Monday, September 14, 2009

15 miler long run day

so, i neglected to post for the last few days so here's a quick catch up. on saturday i went out for an easy 4 miles that if i recall i took real slow and ran in about 30 minutes. i took it easy because i was intending to do my long run yesterday, but the forces of nature prevented it. so, after saturdays run i ended up getting in 50 miles last week which i'm pretty damned pleased with.

yesterday morning me and my special lady friend woke up much earlier then we are used to on a sunday morning to run in the Komen 5K to raise money and awareness for breast cancer research. Eleanor signed us both for it and even if she may say otherwise, i thought it was pretty fun to go run a few miles with her. That's also because i'm a huge nerd. So, I had planned to go for my longrun of the weekend later in the day, but after waking up so early and already running a little bit, i couldn't get the energy for it, so i ended up going out for an easy 4.5 miles early evening yesterday to give myself a total of 7.5 for the day.

that brings us today where it took me a while to work up the mental courage to go out, but i finally did and did a nice big loop starting in carroll gardens, running up to williamsburg across the williamsburg bridge, through the l.e.s. and west village making it to the park on the west side highway up at 14th street and then taking the park down to the brooklyn bridge and back home. at the end of the day it was 15.16 miles in 1:46:40 for a 7:02/mile pace. Much to my surprise, given how lethargic i felt before the run, i felt pretty awesome for the majority of the run today. No cramping and i barely touched my water bottle.

I've noticed too that lately i've been posting very little about metal and this has turned 100% into just a training diary, so on that note to offset a little bit i will include this absurdly amazing video by Amon Amarth

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