Sunday, February 28, 2010

Coney Island and back. 17.8 miles

Long run day. Just as it says, I went down to Coney Island and back. It ended up taking the whole thing at a pretty slow and relaxed pace. I ended up finishing in 2 hours and 12 minutes for about a 7:25/mile pace. I didn't feel too great, but not too bad either. Kinda so-so the whole way. Route is posted below.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

matt vs. snow....matt wins

lot's of days to update.

on wednesday i went down to the track in red hook for a speed workout. i hadn't been down there in a while. 2 mile warm up, 6 x 800 meter intervals with a 400 meter recovery jog in between each interval, followed by a 2 mile cool down. my intervals went something like 2:47, 2:42, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42, 2:42. i don't know if i haven't been training for the boston marathon with the same intensity as i did for the ny marathon, or if i've been slacking on speed work, but it was a pretty tough workout. much harder then i anticipated.

i took thursday off due to the weather. yesterday though after work i decided i would not lot the snow beat me. i ended up going out for about 6.5 miles. damn it was a fun run.

today i just did a very easy 4.25 i prep for tomorrow. i think i have an 18 mile long run on the calendar for tomorrow. after today's run, i believe that gives me about 44 miles for this week.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

quick post - 2 days

yesterday i went out for 5 at about a 6:40 pace.

today, i went out for 6.2 miles with danny. we took it really really easy. i didn't even time it. but it was a very nice feeling run.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Long Run day - 15 miles

Me and Danny went out for about 15.1 miles today. It was the first time in a long time I went out running with anyone besides myself. The company made the run go by pretty quick which was awesome. We ran at a good but conversational pace for the whole run. We ended up finishing in 1 hour 48 minutes and 20 seconds for an average pace of 7:10/mile. It was certainly one of my best feeling longruns in a while. Although the company and the fact that the weather was really nice and kind of warm out helped a ton.

Yesterday I got home from the airport and initially I was going to take the day off, but my legs felt restless so I went out and blasted 4.25 miles at a 6:12 pace to help blow off some steam. I think that put last week at about 40 miles for the week.

Friday, February 19, 2010

multi day update.

on tuesday i went out for an easy 5 milerecovery run. nothing too strenuous.

wednesday i woke up early and went out for 7. it was my intention to push that run really hard, but most of the sidewalks were covered with nice layer of ice which made the run a hell of a lot slippier then i could have hoped for. i still ended up doing it in about 47 minutes though so i had a good pace going.

i flew out to chicago on wednsday for the weekend. i ended up taking yesterday off to spend some time with the family. today i went on a nice 7.6 miles in the burbs. my legs felt a little sloggish today, but that could have something to do that i had a cheeseburger and fries at about 9:30 last night and that was the last thing i consumed before the run this morning. funny observation though. for how little the sidewalks get used by pedestrians in glen ellyn illinois in comparison to how much they get used by pedestrians in brooklyn, people sure do a better job of clearing them of snow and ice out in the the burbs then they do in the city,

Monday, February 15, 2010

Long Run...14.72 miles

I ended up taking yesterday off cos the special lady friend had the day off of work. We celebrated valentines day in much style by making tacos and cupcakes and watching the first disc of season one of 24. Holy crap that show's intense. In a good way.

So today I set off on my long run. I went from smith and president up to the promenade, over the BK bridge, up to central park, around central park, and back down to 42nd street. i stopped there, stretched in bryant park, went and bought a chocolate milk, banana, and a coffee and then hauled my smelly self back home on the subway. Oddly enough, besides the marathon, this is the first time i have ever gone running in central park. man, it's a pretty tough and hilly terrain. and if you are anywhere below 72nd street in the park in reeks of horse piss because of all the handsome cab traffic. Anyhow, the first half of the manhattan half marathon which is a month away should be pretty brutal seeing as how it's all in the park. I ended up finishing the whole run in about 1 hour 42 min and 50 seconds for a 6:59 pace. I felt pretty good for the most part. Especially the first 9 miles I felt unstoppable. Today's route is posted below.

Also, I ended up going out to see on of my all time favorites, the Murder City Devils play at the nokia theater on saturday night. I used to see them all the time in college, but they have been on hiatus since 2001. Man, it was awesome seeing that band play again. I wish they never went away.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

2 day update...I got hit by a car!!(i didn't get hurt)

So yeah, on friday i went out for an easy 7 miles, and about 6 miles in as i was crossing 8th avenue on carroll street, i started running through the crosswalk while i had the yellow light. the light must have changed to red as i was going because one of the cars started going and an suv hit me right in my left leg and caused me to roll over the hood of his car. he couldn't have been going more then 5 miles an hour though and i walked away unscathed...and extremely lucky. since i didn't seem hurt, i decided to go ahead and finish my run and i ran the last mile anyways. moral of the story...if the you have the yellow light...don't push it, just relax and wait until you get the green again.

Yesterday I did the same as friday, minus getting hit by a car. An easy 7 at just a bit faster then a 7:00 pace. I ended up putting in 50 miles for the week. Today I am taking the day off and tomorrow is longrun day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

2 day update

So...the giant snowstorm yesterday caused me to retreat indoors. I had to fight the urge to go run outside quite a bit. Instead I ended up paying 15 bucks for a daypass to a local gym over on court street so i could go use a treadmill....which is absurd that i had to go pay money to go run in my least desirable method. Anyways, I translated my surliness into a pretty awesome run. I ended up putting in 10 miles on the treadmill...6 miles at a 7:00 pace, 2 at a 6:30 pace, 1 at a 6:15 pace, and 1 at a 6:00 pace....although not in that order. I felt great the whole time, and not as bored as I assumed I would.

Initially I thought today would be a rest day too, as I had to work all day and then I had class tonight, but I ended up getting out of work early enough that I had time to get home and go out for a quick 4.25 mile run at about a 7:00 pace before I had to leave for class.

In the meantime, I started reading Born to Run the other day by Christopher McDougall. I'm about halfway done and so far it's a really fun book. Although it does make me feel like my 10 mile longruns are slacking in comparison to what these people put in.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

6 miles

Man I love being able to run in shorts. Today was bizarrely warm enough to do just that. The sheer fact that I could wear shorts and be comfortable on my run alone was a giant mental boost. I did my loop from my house around prospect park and back to get 5.9 miles done in 38:25 for a 6:30 pace. I felt great the whole time, which is good considering that yesterday was a pretty good sized run.

I ended up at the Them Crooked Vultures show last night. It had been a really long time since I went to a show that was that large in scale. It ended up being a ton of fun and afterwards I went out to Prime Meats in Brooklyn for a late night bourbon drink and a couple of oysters. One of the beauties of being freelance and having a random tuesday off of work means you can stay out late on monday and do just that.

Monday, February 8, 2010

long run day...16.1 miles

First off, to round out last week, i did about 4.5 easy miles friday morning and then about 4.25 saturday after work to give me about 50 miles for the week last week.

I ended up taking yesterday off because I was working all day and by the time i got home i didn't really want to go on a 16 mile run in the dark, and i wanted to watch the super bowl.

So, today I did just about 16 miles. I went over to the promenade, over the brooklyn bridge, up the west side highway to 23rd st, made my way through the west village and east village to the east river park at 6th st., down to the manhattan bridge, back to the promenade and then home for 16.1. I ran it all in 1 hour 52 minutes and 15 seconds for a 6:58 pace. For the most part I felt pretty good. Still cursing winter marathon training, but i'll survive.

I'm about to head off an go tutor for a bit, then I ended up getting a free ticket to see Them Crooked Vultures at Roseland tonight. I actually haven't heard any of their music, but it should be pretty awesome to see dave grohl behind a kit.

Here's the routing for the day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Speed Workout Day....Giddyup

Today i felt better then I have in a long time. I did an easy 2 mile warmup. Then I did a 15 minute blast at just a shade quicker then a 6:00/mile pace, jogged an easy 3 minutes as recovery, then another 15 minute blast at the same 6:00 pace, followed by about a 2.25 mile cooldown. Total mileage for the day came in around 9.5 miles.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

3 day update

Whoops. Getting lazy again.

Monday - I meant to take the day off, but i started getting ancy legs halfway through the day and ended up tearing through 4.25 miles at about a 6:15 pace. Probably not the smartest move on my part.

Tuesday - I did 7 miles at just about a 7:00 pace. The ol' legs felt a little haggard, which i attribute to monday's run and not giving myself the proper rest from my sunday longrun

Wednesday/today - i did about 6 miles at a 6:40 pace which I felt pretty good for the whole run. I finished the workout with 8 x 15 second sprints uphill.