Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2 day update....couple of longruns

I ended up taking monday off after sunday's behemoth.

Yesterday I went out for 7 at a good 6:20 pace. Felt great the whole run.

Today I went out for an easy 7.25. I am not sure what I ran it at, as my stopwatch stopped timing about 35 minutes into the run, unbeknownst to me, but I think it was around a 7:00 pace. Legs felt a little heavy today, so maybe it was a good day to scale it back some.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

22 mile longrun day

So today was the longest of my long runs in the lead up to the Boston Marathon. I ended up getting just a wee more then 22 miles in for the day. Aside from a small cramp that lasted for about a mile around mile 18, I felt amazing this whole run, which actually took me by surprise because I woke up and the weather was kind of gnarly and cold which was making it tough to get the motivation to step out the door. I made a couple quick 1-2 minute stops along the way. Around mile 7 I altered my route a bit to pass by home to ditch my pants because I decided it was warm enough to run in just shorts. Then around mile 14 I stopped by my special ladyfriend's restaurant real quick to say hi and give her a quick stinky sweaty kiss. I did stop my stopwatch during those two quick stops. They also made for nice quick little breaks in the run. All said and done, I finished in 2 hours 37 minutes and 52 seconds for a 7:08/mile pace. Not a bad day after all! Tomorrow I'm taking the day off of running, but I'm going to wake up before the sun rises to head up to CT for a shoot. It should be a fun shoot though. The other photo assistant apparently is running in Boston as well, so i anticipate plenty of nerdy running talk throughout the day.

Here's the route from today.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

couple of easy days

I've been working it pretty hard this week with the half marathon and my speed workout, so yesterday I went out for a nice and easy 7 miles at a 7:00 pace. Today I was thinking about taking the day off because I have a 22 mile run on the books for tomorrow, but i kind of wanted to do a little bit, so I ended up doing a very slow and easy 3 miles. Tomorrow will be my longest long run for my training cycle for Boston which is just about 3 weeks away.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Speed Workout

I suckered Danny into coming along with me today.

Did a two mile easy warmup. Then went to the track to do 800meter intervals with a 400 meter recovery jog in between each one.

My splits ended up being
1 - 2:39
2 - 2:40
3 - 2:40
4 - 2:36
5 - 2:37
6 - 2:31

finished with an easy 2 miles as a cool down. My stomach was a little full from lunch. Me and the special lady friend went to get sandwiches at Saltie in williamsburg which was awesome. But, as the name implies, the food was kind of salty, so I had to carry that with me for the workout today. But overall, I felt really strong. I think tomorrow I have a nice slow and easy longrun in store for me.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good hard Long run day

So, on monday, the day after the half marathon, i decided to go out for a nice easy and slow 4 mile jog as a recovery run. In hindsight I should have taken monday off because i felt worse after the run then i did before. So, I took yesterday off then as a result. Today I went out for about an 8.4 mile run. I did the brooklyn and manhattan bridges, going through the promenade on the front leg and the back leg of the run. I meant to go at a nice moderate-fast pace, and i ended up going a bit faster then I had planned on. i did it in 51:25 for a 6:08/mile pace. I felt pretty good for the most part. I was breathing pretty heavy the first couple miles, but then I eased into a rhythm and was fine for the final 6.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I was right! NYRR messed up!

My suspicion about my official time in sunday's half as it was posted on the NYRR website was correct! They have fixed the results now though. My official time was exactly what I had clocked myself at. 81:11 for a 6:12/mile pace. I'm glad it got fixed because i was kind of confused/surly about the discrepancy.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

NYC Half Marathon

I woke up long before the sun rose today to go help pace my buddy/roommie Danny in the NYC Half Marathon. Once the sun finally came out, the weather was perfect. The goal was to get Danny finished in 1 hour and 23 minutes so he would automatically qualify for this years NYC Marathon without having to deal with any of the lottery b.s. We ended up officially finishing in 1 hour 21 minutes and 33 seconds, which is an average of 6:14/mile pace. Somehow though, my own timing of the race on my own watch was 20 seconds faster then our posted official times, which i think is weird because the whole race my clock was 20 seconds behind the race clock, which would be about right if we started halfway in the first something doesnt add up. But whatever. I felt amazing the whole race. Ended up getting a p.r. too, which granted i only have one other half under my belt, but whatevs. Most importantly though, Danny finished well under his goal time.
We went home and cleaned up and then met up with our buddy jon for some 10:30 in the morning beers and cheeseburgers. The whole morning was pretty awesome.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


once again, i get lazy.

thursday i took the day off after wednesdays speed work.

friday i went out for 6 miles at a 6:30 pace.

today i did a very very slow 3 miles. i did it as a prep for tmrws half marathon. me and my roommate danny are doing the NYC Half Marathon. We will get up before the sun does to be all the way up at central park by 6:30 tomorrow. That could be interesting seeing as how i'm used to going to bed around 1 every night. I'm treating tomorrow as just part of the training for boston, but danny wants to run the race in 83:00 so he can automatically qualify for the NY marathon. So, really, I could care less how i do, i just want to be able to run it nice and strong in any way that helps him get to his goal. it should be pretty fun....and nice to have my longrun done before 9 in the morning!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

warm weather + the sun not setting til after 7 = fast runs

I love this weather and daylight savings. It puts me in an infinitely better headspace then running in the winter does.

Little backlog. I took monday off to recover from sunday's 20 mile run.

Yesterday I went out for 8.25 at a 6:21 pace.

Today I did a 2 mile warmup, went down to the track in Red Hook, did 4 x 1 mile repeats at a good fast pace with a 400 meter jog for recovery between intervals. Finished up with a 2 mile cool down.

My splits were
mile 1 - 5:28
mile 2 - 5:33
mile 3 - 5:29
mile 4 - 5:23

Both yesterday and today I felt amazing. Really strong and satisfying runs.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday afternoon 20 Miles

Weather be damned. I had a 20 mile longrun on the schedule for my marathon training today. For most of the run it varied between misty and a light rain. Actually, I love running in such conditions, it just sucks when you have to take your glasses off every half mile to rub the rain off so you can see. The first 7 miles or so of the run felt a little rough. Then mile 7-18 felt amazing. The last couple miles felt great too, just my legs were starting to feel a little rickety. Thinking back to the 2 different 20 mile training runs I did in preparation for the NY marathon, last weeks and today's were significantly easier to accomplish by comparison. In the end I ended up doing just shy of 20 today. about 19.7 to be exact. I did everything in 2 hours and 18 minutes and 40 seconds for about a 7:02/mile pace.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

2 day update...couple of easy longruns

I got out of work a little early on Thursday and had enough time to do an easy 4.25 miles before i had to leave for class. Last night I went out in the rain for a 7.2 mile loop. The rain actually felt amazing. Did the whole thing at a 6:44 pace. I took today off because the weather was way too garbagey. I have a 20 miler on the schedule for tomorrow. Hopefully the weather lets up.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

7 mile longrun

Nice and easy 7 miles today. Originally I had meant to do a speed workout today, but since I ended up plowing through yesterdays run so quick, I just took yesterday as my speedwork. So today I did 7 miles in about 45:50 for a 6:38 pace. Tomorrow will inadvertently become a rest day as I have to work all day and go straight from work to class in the evening.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

fast as hell 7.25 mile run

i ran from carroll gardens, to the promenade, over the BK bridge, and back over the manhattan bridge to my house today. a combo of the amazing weather and coming off a really good longrun on sunday caused me to tear through this one like crazy. i ended up doing 7.25 in 43:50 for a 6:03/mile pace. felt awesome!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monster Run Day! 21.24 miles

holy crap. today really beat me up. me and my roommate danny went from carroll gardens to central park, around the park, and back home for a grand total of 21.24. i didn't feel great, but i didn't feel bad for the most part. just kind of ok. i got a pretty brutal cramp around mile 17 near union square so we had to ease off quite a bit for about a mile. the cramp had vanished by the time we reached houston street and we picked up the pace a little bit. we ended up doing the whole thing in 2 hours 24 minutes and 29 seconds, which gives us a pace of 6:48/mile. a lot faster then i thought we were going, and honestly, a lot faster then we should have been going. i was aiming for about 7:15-7:30/mile. it makes me question mapmyrun, but whatevs. my legs are in pain now and i plan on doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day, which makes this sunday awesome. here's our route for the day.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

2 days update

so, yesterday i went out for 7 miles at a good hard pace. i ended up doing the whole thing at about a 6:30 pace. today was a very relaxed and easy 4. that gave me about 50 miles for the week. tomorrow me and my roommate danny are going to go out for a good 20 mile longrun. the plan is to run from carroll gardens to central park, around central park, and back home. and the weather should be good enough that i can wear shorts! this is going to rule.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

kind of a speedworkout day

so, i set out today doing a nice 2 mile warmup to the track in red hook. i was planning on doing some mile intervals, however once i got there i discovered the track was non-functional due to the snow. i decided then i would go over to prospect park and do some hill repeats instead. made the run over there. on the way, i decided to take the distance along 9th street from 3rd ave to the park at what would be the same pace i meant to do my mile repeats at. then i jogged over to the base of the hill and did 4 times up it, jogging back to the bottom every time. it took me about 1:48-1:51 each time to do it, which i have no idea what that means because i don't know exactly how long of a distance it is from bottom to top. if i had to guess i would say it's about 500m. all i know is, i was huffing for air everytime i got to the top of the hill. then i did about a 2.5 mile jog home. my legs felt really really heavy today. maybe i should have taken today off and put this one off until tomorrow, but as it stands i did it. i think i may just rest tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8.25 mile longrun.

so much for an easy day. i did 8.25 miles at what felt like a medium to hard pace. 54 minutes total for a 6:35/mile pace.

Monday, March 1, 2010

easy 4.25 miles

i was planning on taking the day off today after yesterdays 18 miler. but the weather was just way too inviting today. any chance to go run outside in shorts after running in the crap cold all winter must be taken advantage of. so i went for an easy 4.25, in my shorts, and it was awesome. now if only every day could be like this until boston.